Saturday, September 27, 2008

Can You Afford Custom Designed Furniture

Custom Designed Furniture


Sometimes you may see a piece of furniture at an auction house, a museum or even in a fancy catalog but the prices are just way too out of reach.

Why not consider having a master craftsman make an authentic reproduction? It’s not only for the rich and famous anymore.

I fell in love with the Resolute Desk, which sits in the White House. Though I have no political aspirations, I went looking on the net for someone who made copies. The most authentic I found was Thomaston Furniture Designs, a company here in GA who have been custom making furniture for many designers, architects and hotels. There were cheaper reproductions out there, but the wood didn’t seem of the highest quality. Though all furniture starts with wood, you need to find the highest quality and correctly kiln dried.

If the wood isn’t kiln dried to furniture specifications (8% moister content), it will eventually pop and crack. You’ll end up buying a very pretty piece of firewood! My President’s Desk Replica had over 400 hundred man-hours in it’s creation. That is a lot of attention to detail! You want that when shopping around for a custom furniture designer.

Sometimes, people need furniture that is size specific (a hard to fit space) or must match an existing piece or room. Thomaston Furniture Designs will work with the designer or even the client themselves with cad drawings. Their artisans can start working even with just a sketch from a napkin!

Your imagination is the only limitation. Want something totally unique for your dream home? Are the local furniture stores just a little too ordinary? Get out your pencils and graph paper today. You can do it!

Click here to see their Custom Designed Furniture

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